Friday 5 April 2013

Value Propositions

Hello and welcome to my very first blog!
This is the place where will be sharing my knowledge gained from my commercialization course (and the internets!) More specifically these entries will be relative to topics that are discussed in my fortnightly workshop, hosted by the Fabulous Polly McGee! ((That introduction took me almost an hour.. just saying.))

I missed the the first workshop and had a wee bit of catch up to do, but this is ok.

Value Propositions were the first topic covered. Before researching the internets, a Value Proposition is the spiel that I as the service provider give to you as the consumer, to make you want  to purchase what I offer!

On the first night of presentations, <name>'s presentation which was the first of them all, kicked off with a 'how to' on giving the elevator speech.
not unlike the above mentioned spiel, the elevator speech consists of a short and concise message, that must both interest and inform the person/s interested enough to make them feel like you have what it is that they need, and make them want m0ar.

Aileen Pincus' article in Bloomberg Business Week claims that it's one of the best things a business person can do, that is "speak about their business to others".

Further discussed is the importance of understanding the in's and out's of your business, and being able to translate that into what people need, and selling to them what they want.

There also seem to be many sites online explaining how to make yours "the one" (for a sometimes not such a small fee!), but it seems that its your understanding and knowledge of your product or service is what counts. That and your ability to listen to what people are saying. Along with the "how to create your value proposition..." are the suggestions on how to find out what people want. The best one, in my opinion, is market research. Literally asking people what they want. If you are able to target what ever demographic you are aiming at, this would be even better, more precise. "Men With Pens" say you should eavesdrop on your customer in their natural environment. This is great advice if its physically possible. Following this is what they call walk the dog. This is where you go for a walk, preferably with your dog, and pretend you are the customer. Let your subconscious mind wander (with the dog) and see what you come up with.
If I have learned anything from Miss Polly McGee, it is that Social Media is the way to go. Ask the masses! See for yourself what people exalt and what people shit-can.

Laura Lake's article on states "Once you've found the common denominating need you can determine what it is that they are in search of and develop your value proposition around that need". This is good advice, listening to what people want, and then catering your service around exactly that .

This is where I leave my first ever blog entry!
I'm sure if I come back to edit it I'll end up scrapping it, so.. this is where I leave it!

Cheers - hope that wasn't to painful!


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